Async method chaining in C#

Andrew Poole
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2023

TL/DR: We recently had a large amount of fairly procedural logic performing multiple tasks in an API request handler, we wanted a way to split it up, but maintaining a really obvious flow and ease of code navigation. This is what we came up with applied to a contrived WeatherReport API:

public async Task<OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure>> Handle(string requestedRegion, DateTime requestedDate)
return await WeatherReport.Create(requestedRegion, requestedDate)

This code is wired-up directly to a minimal API, where the OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure> result is converted to an HttpResponse and returned. These are async methods, chained together with a single return path. If you like the look of that, read on!


No exceptions

So in the API I mentioned earlier we are already using minimal API and the FromServices Attribute ([FromServices]IXyzRequestHandler handler) to move all processing from the API project to the Application project. This keeps the API project nice and thin.

For the return type of the Handle() method we use the excellent OneOf library, which gives us discriminated unions in C#! In this case the return type is a OneOf<Success, Failure> where Success just represents success and Failure is a OneOfBase representing 3 or 4 specific Failure scenarios, these get mapped to various HttpResponses in the API. This means the method signature tells us everything we need to know about all possible outcomes and we are not resorting to using Exceptions to communicate non-exceptional behaviour. For instance, bad user input is not actually exceptional, it’s planned for and this approach allows us to define an InvalidRequestFailure which can be returned and will then be converted into a 400 BadRequest HttpResponse.

Also because we may be interacting with external dependencies, the Handle method must be async, so the actual return type is Task<OneOf<Success, Failure>>

Reducing Cognitive Load

Initially, we considered using MediatR to refactor our logic, but it seemed overkill and looking through another repo where we were already using MediatR, it seemed quite hard to navigate. Each Request/Command Handler had to map its result into a new (but almost identical) Command/Request object with another Handler. So to figure out the path through the code, a fair amount of searching was necessary.

A long while ago I did some work with Windows Workflow Foundation, which I really enjoyed. Code would be organised into functional chunks called Activities, each having In arguments, Out arguments and sometimes InOut arguments. The Activities would be arranged in a visual workflow, so the flow and ordering was really obvious. The striking thing about it was that new team members could instantly find their way around and once inside an Activity it was immediately obvious what the scope of the task was, what inputs were available to use and what outputs would need to be set.

I wanted to find a way to replicate this declarative flow and a flavour of the functional isolation, because I want engineers to easily see what’s going on and find their way around. Our final solution shows the flow declaratively in one place and [ctrl]+[f12] takes you straight to the code in Visual Studio!

How it’s used

Here is the full version of the contrived WeatherReportRequestHandler example shown above:

public class GetWeatherReportRequestHandler : IGetWeatherReportRequestHandler
private readonly IRegionValidator regionValidator;
private readonly IDateChecker dateChecker;
private readonly IWeatherForecastGenerator weatherForecastGenerator;

public GetWeatherReportRequestHandler(IRegionValidator regionValidator, IDateChecker dateChecker, IWeatherForecastGenerator weatherForecastGenerator)
this.regionValidator = regionValidator;
this.dateChecker = dateChecker;
this.weatherForecastGenerator = weatherForecastGenerator;

public async Task<OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure>> Handle(string requestedRegion, DateTime requestedDate)
return await WeatherReport.Create(requestedRegion, requestedDate)
.Then(report => regionValidator.ValidateRegion(report))
.Then(report => dateChecker.CheckDate(report))
.Then(report => CheckCache(report))
.Then(report => weatherForecastGenerator.Generate(report));

public async Task<OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure>> CheckCache(WeatherReport report)
// Check and populate from a cache etc...
// Methods from anywhere can be chained as long as they have the correct signature...
return report;

A static method named Create() returns an initialised WeatherReport object, but it actually returns a Task<OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure>> we'll see why in a moment. The WeatherReport object contains any required state and crucially represents Success when returned.

To be chained, a method need only have the correct return Type, in this case a Task<OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure>>. The chained method will probably receive a WeatherReport as an argument so it can read some state, perform its task, possibly set some resulting state and then crucially it should return the WeatherReport object if successful or a derivative of Failure if not.

Note the methods can live anywhere, they might be local or from classes injected from IoC, they just need the correct return type.

The chaining is possible because of an extension method named Then (shown below) which extends a Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>>. In the case above the T is the WeatherReport and TFailure is the Failure class mentioned above. This is why the Create() method and all of the other methods in the chain must return Task<OneOf<WeatherReport, Failure>>. The compiler infers what the T and TFailure are from the first method in the chain.

In this version you can see the WeatherReport variable named report being explicitly passed into each chained method, if the chained methods only have a single T argument then you can use the C# feature method group conversion to delegate, making the code even more terse and easily readable:

.Then(report => regionValidator.ValidateRegion(report))
// becomes

This is shown in the TLDR section at the top.

As with any lambda expressions in C#, the func containing the chained method can capture any outer variables in scope e.g:

var validationSettings = new ValidationSettings{...}
.Then(report => regionValidator.ValidateRegion(report, validationSettings))

Out variables can also be used to return state from a chained method and passed into subsequent chained methods or consumed in the method containing the chain.

We have had success using a record for the T where some properties are set initially in our Create() method and other nullable properties start life as null, but are later set while creating a new version of the record using the with keyword.

How it works

Here is the simplest version of the extension method Then:

public static async Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>> Then<T, TFailure>(
this Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>> currentJobResult,
Func<T, Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>>> nextJob)
// Inspect result of (probably already awaited) currentJobResult, if its a TFailure return it...
var TOrFailure = await currentJobResult;
if (TOrFailure.IsT1)
return TOrFailure;

// ...Otherwise do your next job
var currentT = TOrFailure.AsT0;
return await nextJob(currentT);

So the first job is to inspect the result of the previous job in the chain, we await it, but are pretty sure that its already been awaited and therefore the Result is already available. Note this is fine because we are using Task, if it were ValueTask we would not be able to await a second time. The OneOf library has methods for us to determine if the Result contains the T ( WeatherReport in this case) or TFailure (a Failure in this case). The method IsT0() will return true if the object contains the first possibility in the discriminated union, IsT1() will return true for the second item etc.

If the result contains a TFailure from earlier in the chain we immediately return that Failure without performing our next task, all of the following Then's in the chain do the same. This means the first Failure returned by a chained task is returned and no more chained tasks are executed.

Otherwise if the result was successful, which means it contained a T ( WeatherReport in this case) then we should call and await the Func nextJob passing in the T ( WeatherReport in this case). This is how the chain is continued.

What if something goes wrong?

We had a case where we were creating two transactions, one after the other in the chain, but if the first succeeded and the second failed, we needed a way to cancel the first transaction. Initially this code was hidden in the second transaction creation method, but a team member pointed out that was counter-intuitive. To solve this problem an overload of the Then method is provided which takes a second Func called onFailure as an argument. We inspect the Result of nextJob in the same way and if it fails, we invoke and await onFailure before finally returning the TFailure.

Here is the overload of the extension method Then with onFailure:

public static async Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>> Then<T, TFailure>(
this Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>> currentJobResult,
Func<T, Task<OneOf<T, TFailure>>> nextJob,
Func<T, TFailure, Task<TFailure>> onFailure)
// Inspect result of (probably already awaited) currentJobResult, if its a TFailure return it...
var TOrFailure = await currentJobResult;
if (TOrFailure.IsT1)
return TOrFailure;

// ...Otherwise do your next job ...
var currentT = TOrFailure.AsT0;
var result = await nextJob(currentT);

// If next job returned a T (Success) return it...
if (result.IsT0)
return result;

// Otherwise invoke onFailure and return the final resulting TFailure...
var finalFailure = await onFailure(currentT, result.AsT1);
return finalFailure;

It can be used like this:

return await PaymentDetails.Create(request)
.Then(d => validator.ValidateRequest(d))
.Then(d => paymentRepository.Save(d))
.Then(d => transactionService.CreateDebitTransaction(d))
.Then(d => transactionService.CreateCreditTransaction(d),
onFailure: d, f => transactionService.CancelDebitTransaction(d, f))
.Then(d => eventDispatcher.Dispatch(d));

We also have a method named IfThen() which takes an additional func<T, bool> named condition so that the nextJob will only be invoked if condition evaluates to True; I'm sure there are other variations which will be added.


So if you also have multiple tasks to perform off the back of an API request or when handling a Service Bus message etc, consider this strategy of chaining methods together. Maintain a single return path, place the methods wherever they best fit and make life easy for your team by expressing declaratively the flow of tasks with super-easy code navigation.

This code is available in a Nuget package named OneOf.Chaining and in this GitHub repository, but its basically a few small extension methods, so copy/paste away!

Hope you found this interesting, thanks for reading :)



Andrew Poole

I am an L5 Senior Software Engineer at ClearBank. I love solving problems, design and architecture and the incredible creativity of software engineering.