Knowledge Graph Search: Overview

A four-part series examining the use of search in ClearGraph

Yukiko Añonuevo
2 min readMay 10, 2017


Knowledge Graph Search — Series overview

We believe that users should have better access to their data. Thus, our flagship product, Knowledge Graph Search, lets people ask questions about their data using natural language instead of writing complex code. Our Knowledge Graph quickly works to understand a user’s intent and then intelligently returns results in visual form.

The following series will look deeper at the different types of data you can access through Knowledge Graph Search. Each part will cover a different type of search with examples.

  • Knowledge Graph Search: Overview
  • Part 1: Visualizations
  • Part 2: Ontology
  • Part 3: Records
  • Part 4: Reports

Search types

Visualization Search

Ask statistical questions to get back visualizations of your data.

Ontology Search

Search components of your human-centric ontology to see the definitions, organization, and relationships of key business concepts.

Records Search

Search individual records from your database such as people, companies, and products.

Reports Search

Find the report you want by searching unstructured data like its title, visualizations, records, and more.

Read the next part in this series: Visualization Search

Want to see Knowledge Graph Search in action? Contact for a demo and to try out ClearGraph.

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Yukiko Añonuevo

UX Designer, Front-end Developer. Doer of many things.