Knowledge Graph Search Pt. 1: Visualizations

Yukiko Añonuevo
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2017

ClearGraph makes data discovery and visualization seamless through our Knowledge Graph Search. If you ask a statistical question, search interprets your natural language, queries your data, and then produces visualizations as results.

We will explore some examples below using Giant Retail Bank, a demo data set that consists of transaction and banking information.

Note: This is part 1 in our series covering Knowledge Graph Search. Read the series overview to see other types of searches available in ClearGraph.

Search for a resource, view records

In ClearGraph, resources are the main subjects in your ontology. A quick search of a resource produces a list of it’s records. Clicking on a record reveals it’s details.

Focus your search with filters

Search understands many different filters, letting you narrow down your results. For instance, we can limit our transaction data by the following:

  • Time: “…created last month”, “…posted between monday and friday”
  • Field value and operators: “…amount > 152”, “…id is 1234”
  • Negations: “… is not credit”, “…category is not computers”


Adding dimensions to your search will let you view the spread of data across particular fields. You can quickly reframe the view of your data by adjusting a dimension. Search will interpret your question, grab the correct data, and intelligently select a visualization type to chart the data.

  • Reductions: total, average, sum
    → “total transactions”
    → “average amount of transactions”
    → “sum of amount of transactions”
  • Groupings: “grouped by…”, “…over time”
    → “total transactions grouped by category”
    → “total transactions grouped by merchant”
    → “total transactions posted over time”
Different combinations of dimensions will produce different types of visualizations like a single number or a stacked line.

Read the next part in this series: Ontology Search

Want to see Knowledge Graph Search in action? Contact for a demo and to try out ClearGraph.

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Yukiko Añonuevo

UX Designer, Front-end Developer. Doer of many things.