Clearmatics Stories #2

December 4th, 2018



5 min readDec 4, 2018


Hello from Clearmatics,

Whilst we spend a lot of time thinking about blockchain, like most members of the blockchain community, we also like to build, implement and get stuff done. That’s how progress is made and that’s how we’re building our business.

It’s also the reason why this week we’ve got a super exciting announcement to make:

5th & 6th of February
Clearmatics Interoperability Hackathon

Clearmatics is hosting its inaugural “Clearmatics Interoperability Hackathon” on the 5th and 6th February at Barclays Rise in London. Interoperability is a key theme for us and also for the entire blockchain community including enterprise, so we want to get a bunch of the smartest minds in one room and see what we can build between us.

We’ll be introducing our interoperability framework, Ion, and discovering how important interoperability is in enterprise systems and what possible cross-chain use-cases could be built using it. If you’re interested in learning more about Ion we’ve written a series of posts, which can be found here.

If you’d be interested in taking part, we’d love for you to join us by forming a team and competing for prizes by driving interoperability for financial services. If you don’t have a team, no worries, sign up and we’ll find you a suitable team on the day.

For more information, take a look at our GitHub here and get in touch via email here if you would like to form a team. It’d be great to have you with us.

I hope you enjoy reading this newsletter as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Best regards,

Christophe MacIntosh

Communications & Community Lead at Clearmatics

Recent blog posts from Clearmatics

dFMI And The Issuance And Redemption of Tokenized Assets

In the most recent post in our blog series on DFMI, we discussed the need for the tokenisation of financial assets in order to begin to realise the full benefits of blockchain technology via disintermediation and a new business model.

(Read more)

What we’re reading

Demystifying the road to Ethereum 2.0 — Serenity Q&A session at ETHMagicians

At the Prague Council of the Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians, there was a fascinating Q & A between client implementers, the Ethereum Foundation Ethereum 2.0 team, and the audience. The conversation was noted in transcript form for this great Medium article and they go a long way to informing the community about the future of Ethereum, specifically looking into sharding, proof of stake, eWasm and more components of Ethereum 2.0, now called Serenity.

Vlad and Gav go head-to-head on blockchain governance

In this week’s episode of the always insightful Zero Knowledge podcast, the team are joined by a couple of true giants in the space. Ethereum co-founder, Gavin Wood (Gav Would), and long-time blockchain researcher, Vlad Zamfir, go head-to-head and dig deep, debating the merits of on-chain vs off-chain governance.

How Does Distributed Consensus Work?

In this excellent long-form primer on Medium, blockchain engineer, Preethi Kasireddy, offers a detailed overview of key breakthroughs in blockchain technology and explains why Nakamoto Consensus is such a big deal. As Kasireddy sets out:

“While teaching myself distributed computing, I fell flat on my face many times. Now, after many trials and tribulations, I’m finally ready to explain the basics of distributed systems to you.”

Numerous Bitcoin Wallets May Have Been Compromised by Rogue Developer

Crypto-payment processor BitPay issued a warning this week, advising users of its Bitcoin wallet, Copay, that it had been compromised. The vulnerability concerns a third-party Node.js module, known as an “event stream”. According to GitHub, this module was revised to load malware that could be capable of stealing users’ private keys. Concerning news and one to keep up to date with on CCN.

Awesome Decentralized Finance

Github delivers this awesome repository of decentralized finance projects, software, and resources. The list of white papers, protocols and applications is pretty endless and useful and fascinating for any developer or interested party whose work — or play ;) — bring them into contact with the tech that continues to shape the future of finance.

How Brexit will redraw Europe’s financial infrastructure

Please don’t close the browser upon seeing the “B” word! This article is very important and pretty interesting. We promise! It’s not exactly a positive read but the Financial Times takes a close look at what aspects of finance in the City of London could change and what is likely to stay the same as Britain eventually works it way out of the EU.

Blockchain Scalability: Do Layer I Solutions Hold the Key?

Cryptocurrencies currently do not scale in any meaningful sense. Blockchain’s scalability — in both total transaction volume and the number of independent participants involved in processing them — is a crucial hurdle to mainstream adoption and this is especially true when weighted against security and decentralisation challenges. This excellent Medium read from Research Institute discusses the issue.

Food for thought

Thank you for reading our newsletter. We hope you enjoyed it.

Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and Facebook for more stories from Clearmatics.

Christophe MacIntosh, cmacintosh, Community & Communications Lead, Clearmatics




Clearmatics build distributed, autonomous economic systems that mutualise the value of network effects.