
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

Clearmatics will host a blockchain hackathon focusing on Ion, the platform-agnostic interoperability framework on February 5th & 6th, 2019.

About this Event

When: 5th-6th Febrary 2019

Where: Barclays Rise, 41 Luke St, Shoreditch, London EC2A 4DP

Interoperability is a key topic, not just for blockchains and distributed ledger technology, but for any system that needs to communicate and transfer data. Never has this been more important than when transferring value using the internet protocol stack. Join Clearmatics’ hackathon and use Ion, the platform-agnostic interoperability framework, to build use cases such as payment-versus-payment, delivery-versus-payment and beyond.

Further to the announcement at the end of last year that the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and Hyperledger have become associate members of one another, we provide a proof-of-concept template for participants to transact using an Ethereum chain and a Fabric chain.

Who is this for?

This hackathon is for enterprise development teams working on blockchain-based solutions in financial services and beyond, and blockchain-based start-ups working on solutions and tooling for either community or enterprise. It is not necessary to have experience in both Ethereum chains and Hyperledger Fabric, although mixed teams could build some awesome use cases!

Register here

Please sign up here. Once we receive your application we will respond with a promo code for an Eventbrite ticket.

First, second and third prizes will be awarded by a team of well-known enterprise judges.

In conjunction with Rise, created by Barclays

Get in contact here if you have any questions.

About Ion

The Ion Interoperability Framework is a library that provides an interface for the development of general cross-chain smart contracts.

It strives to create a more interconnected fabric of systems, and to this end, methods for inter-system and cross-chain communications become paramount in facilitating this fluid ecosystem.

Ion is a system and function-agnostic framework for building cross-interacting smart contracts between blockchains and/or systems. It does not restrict itself to certain methods of interoperation and is not opinionated on what specific functions it should be built for and as such is an open protocol. Atomic swaps and decentralised exchanges can be built on Ion and facilitate the free movement of value across different blockchains. These are just two of the possible use-cases that can be developed on top of the Ion framework.

The vision behind Ion is for it to evolve into becoming a library of tools that developers can use on any system to build cross-chain smart contracts to interoperate with any other system.

Read more about Ion’s development here.

About Clearmatics

Clearmatics’ mission is to build peer-to-peer infrastructure for a machine-driven future that is resistant to the monopoly-making tendencies of network effects inherent in today’s client-server architectures.

We call our technology approach “decentralized automation”​, which combines cryptography, consensus protocols and economic mechanism design.

We are designing, building and deploying peer-to-peer platforms for financial industry participants to transact seemlessly and securely without unnecessary intermediaries.

Clearmatics is a Blockchain R&D company and has good ties to the Open Source / Ethereum community, we work closely with the Ethereum Foundation, and the company is an EEA Member.

We are growing quickly and building a world class team. If you are interested in joining us apply here.

Christophe MacIntosh, cmacintosh, Community & Communications Lead, Clearmatics

Tweet us @Clearmatics




Clearmatics build distributed, autonomous economic systems that mutualise the value of network effects.