Clearpool x Polygon | MATIC Farming Rewards Promotion

Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2022

To celebrate the launch of Clearpool on Polygon, we are excited to announce that Polygon has provided 170,000 MATIC tokens, available to be farmed by early LPs on the Clearpool Polygon Market.

For 60 days commencing on the 28th July 2022, all lenders (LPs) to liquidity pools on the Clearpool Polygon Market will receive additional LP rewards paid in MATIC.

Clearpool will take a daily snapshot of the pool LPs and calculate the APR accordingly. The live MATIC APR will be displayed on the app and will be received by LPs in addition to USDC interest and regular CPOOL LP rewards.

At the conclusion of this limited 60-day promotional period, Clearpool will distribute the MATIC rewards to participating wallet addresses. The amount of MATIC rewards earned will be proportionate to the amount of liquidity provided and the current APR at each snapshot timestamp.

To participate, you simply have to supply USDC liquidity to a borrower pool on the Clearpool Polygon Market during the promotional period. Be sure to deposit early, and ensure that you leave your funds deposited for the entire promotion period in order to maximize your rewards!

USDC interest and CPOOL LP rewards will continue to accrue on balances that remain deposited after the promotion ends.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Snapshots will be taken every day at randomized times
  2. Only LPs that were providing liquidity at the time of the snapshot will receive MATIC rewards for that particular day
  3. MATIC rewards will be calculated based on the proportion of liquidity that was provided by the LP at the time of each daily snapshot
  4. MATIC rewards will be distributed following the end of the 60 day promotion period
  5. In case of dispute regarding MATIC distribution, Clearpool reserves the right to final decision

About Clearpool

Clearpool is the first decentralized marketplace for unsecured digital asset liquidity, where institutional borrowers can create single-borrower liquidity pools and compete for uncollateralized liquidity directly from a decentralized network of lenders. Liquidity providers on Clearpool earn attractive yields, with pool interest rates enhanced by additional rewards paid in CPOOL — the protocol’s utility and governance token. Clearpool LP tokens, called cpTokens, are the building blocks for a system of tokenized credit and on-chain risk management.

Clearpool is building the architecture to facilitate flows between traditional capital markets and the burgeoning DeFi ecosystem. The protocol is backed by leading investors from both traditional venture capital and blockchain, including Sequoia Capital India, Arrington Capital, Sino Global Capital and Wintermute.

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