Global Elder Statesman, Nelson Mandela

One love, one life

Clement Segun Akran
Clem's Corner


One that unites race, class, ideologies, politics, faiths…

We have varied understanding of life. One side of the spectrum believes, You Only Live Once (Yolo), so live wild and free.

The other end says, life is a rehearsal for the afterlife, so live selflessly and purposefully. Others fall In between.

Whatever camp we find ourselves this morning, I guess we will all agree that Nelson Mandela has left this world a much better place for us all.

Friends, lets envision the impact of more people doing the same. Just imagine the ripple effect on humanity…

As said by Francis Chan,

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”

RIP Madiba.

