Clement Segun Akran
Clem's Corner
Published in
10 min readApr 22, 2015


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Grace or Merit: An exegesis on Matthew 22, verses 1–14


The saying by Jesus as recorded in Matthew’s gospel: Many are called, but a few are chosen (Matt. 22:1–14), has always been a source of much controversy within and outside the church community. Within the church it has been used to promote some sort of elitism, strengthen the concept of predestination, or as an excuse for mediocrity. The unchurched on the other hand sometimes use it as an excuse for disengagement with Christendom, hence statements like “You are chosen, I am not blessed with the gift of faith”. To this end my essay seeks to:

- provide a brief overview of the term exegesis;

- carry out an exegesis on Matthew 22:1–14; and

- explore its implication with the concepts of Salvation by Grace, and Salvation by Merit.

A brief overview of the term exegesis

The Oxford Dictionary defines it as critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. Exegesis is a Greek word which means to lead out.

Originally used primarily for the Bible, these days it is now used in a broader context in other disciplines. It may include the study of history and cultural background, the text and the original audience, an analysis of the type of literary genres in the body of text…

