Weekly Update and AMA — 17th April 2023

Jason Sibley
Cleo Tech
Published in
12 min readApr 17, 2023

Just adding, our official blog moved to here — https://www.cleo.xyz/blog

We’re pleased to release our second weekly update. In this video we cover the performance of our first campaign, and answer the first weeks community questions.

Video transcript (notes taken by AI, so apologies if it makes any typos).

Hi everyone. It’s Jason from Cleo. I just wanted to give you all an update in our weekly AMA and Cleo project update. So I’d like to start off by giving you a bit of a platform update. So last week in our first launch video, we talked about the fact that we had our first campaign in market.

We focus very much on the background of where Cleo came from. So for those of you that missed that, Cleo is a for good platform that empowers businesses but also individuals to embed sustainable innovation in their everyday life. We don’t believe people should be expelling. Carbon and then just buying credits to mop it up.

We feel like businesses should be able to actually look at the business practices they have to bring down the footprint and to bring some balance into their operations. So our first application for Cleo is in marketing. So we call this marketing for Good. So essentially this is a lead generation platform that provides a user benefit [00:01:00] to the consumption of content in a buyer.

So in effect, we reward somebody’s time and attention on marketing materials with something for good in the environment. Whether that is removing plastic from the ocean, whether that is tree planting, or whether that is taking carbon out of the atmosphere or doing carbon protection programs. So, in essence, your time for.

We are working on other applications, so we’ve got two other work streams happening at the moment. One is clear for sports and one is clear for schools, and we’ll give you a much more, a much bigger update on that as we go. We are blockchain based. We have a token coming out very, very soon. So some of you might be tuning in or watching to see what’s going on with the token or the token omics and stuff like that too.

So as this one is our second video and we launched with a live campaign, so the system is built prior to even doing our token launch. I wanna give you a brief update on how that’s going and then jump to some of the community questions. So as I discussed last [00:02:00] week, our first campaign is for Lenovo Europe.

It’s for their storage and server division, and it’s what. Class as an ABM campaign. Now what that means is we are only trying to generate marketing and opportunities into a very specific target audience. So this is very, very limited. It’s limited by country. It’s limited by job role, but more specifically it’s very limited by specific companies.

So we actually are working against a targeted company list through our partner agency called Creation Agency, who are putting together all of the campaign creative and the assets and stuff like that. Like we said, Cleo is the execution platform. So two weeks. So our target was to generate 95 leads from within this very targeted community.

And two weeks in we’ve generated around 250,000 impressions. So an impression is where somebody has seen the message. In this case it is about why Lenovo is. An amazing partner for them [00:03:00] and why they should offer Lenovo solutions. So we’ve had, we’ve had over 250,000 impressions. Those have reached 12,000 specifically targeted individuals.

And we’ve had a number of clicks from those, but that’s not really the important things. It’s not how many people have clicked through, it’s how many actual leads have been generated. For this campaign, elitist, somebody that has downloaded the brochure and then from a Cleo point of view, they’ve redeemed the good.

So for this specific campaign, it is an ebook on why partner with Lenovo and the good received for the individual is 250 kilograms of carbon offset through our partner ri. The user gets a really nice nft which I hopefully through the power of video editing after I’ve recorded this is gonna show to one of these sides.

So here is the nft, so you can see what they claim. And actually there’s a bonus 10% so they can get an extra 250 kilograms. If they give us a little bit of sales qualifying information. What that does, it makes [00:04:00] the lead a lot more valuable. Now only are we capturing your attention and then capturing your data.

We’re then asking you some questions about the document that you’ve just downloaded, and also doing some sales, sales qualification questions now. Letting you know a trade secret in the background. Actually, we’re executing the good, including that 10%, right? So we don’t wanna hold the planet to ransom for somebody giving us a little bit more information.

So every lead that comes through Cleo, actually we’re gonna offset 275 kilograms of carbon, but the user can claim it in two. 250 for downloading the asset and an extra 25 as a bonus top up for providing more information. But from a campaign perspective we’re not. relying on people giving us that extra data to do that.

Top up. We’re just doing it all at source before the campaign even went live. So we’ve only been in flight two weeks. Like I said over quarter of a million impressions reached over 12,000 people in our specific target [00:05:00] audience. And from that we’ve generated 59 leads. So those vision nine leads mean that they are bang on target, bang on roll exactly the right person in our list, right seniority.

So they have been passed to the client. Like I said, our target is 95. I actually expect an update tomorrow, so I think this will have improved. I think the team said this morning there’s another 20 or something that had been passed, but this is the data as of Friday. Oh, sorry, as of last week. But we update everything on a Tuesday morning, so you can see that the system is working.

We’ve had an incredibly high redemption, so that’s 59 of those leads will redeem. Now, the really important thing for any marketeers listening to this podcast, oh, sorry, I’m watching this video is that actually they’re coming in at less than a hundred dollars cost per lead now. So this is a B2B targeted.

You know, a database of less than 1700 companies that we’re targeting senior job roles within this limited target market. And we’re generating not just [00:06:00] engagement, but a lead at less than a hundred dollars. Now I challenge anybody to go and see how much they’re generating leads for on LinkedIn, stuff like that.

But, but you know, comparatively, , we believe that’s, that’s incredibly good. So, you know, that’s less than 50% of the average cost believe for this type of activity. If we were using say a paid social media project, just asking them for them to fill in a form to get this data. Now the really important thing, which is what makes us very proud as Cleo, is that that sub hundred dollars, in fact it’s 95, that sub hundred dollars actually includes the good.

So there’s not a separate invoice wing its way to the brand to say, oh, now you owe us for the carbon offsetting that $95 includes all of the carbon offsetting as well. Includes all of the execution includes the N F T creation includes the N F T claim. So it’s a real simple way to do marketing for good.

We’ve generated leads, we’ve done some. But more importantly, we’ve got a really great [00:07:00] qualified opportunity to go follow up with somebody off the back of this and everybody feels good. So that was the whole idea. So really proud. It’s our first campaign. We’re just lining up our second we should go in market and I’m very confident this one will carry on through Q3 and q4.

But certainly now building a case study, you know, we’re doing, we are learning a lot in the platform with the testing. So it’s been a really exciting time. So that’s our quick update on Cleo, on the N F T and on our first live campaign. I do now wanna jump into the questions from the community.

So the first one which actually we’ve, we’ve had a few people send us questions about is about our partners. And why we use blockchain and why we selected these partners and stuff like that. So what I don’t wanna do is give you a very short answer. Now I think, you know, I can point to our website that gives you a write up, but what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna bring in our execution partner onto either next week’s or the weeks after and get them to actually give a bit of a low.

A bit of a deep dive in the partners and [00:08:00] we’ll have a bit of a discussion about why they were selected and how it gets validated and actually where something is planted and, and all that kind of stuff. So we’ll talk about Vera and all those kind of things. So let’s get the real experts in to talk about that.

So I’m gonna skip those. Although, I do wanna say that the blockchain is incredibly important for transparency, right? There’s, we’re aware that there’s a lot of comments of greenwashing and all stuff like this. So this really is the perfect application of blockchain, having everything on an open ledger.

So the money in the way it flows, the rewards to the individual, the payment going out, everything is available on. And that is partially why we’ve used a public chain. But I think that’s actually one of the questions that will come onto in a second. So, so bear with me and we’re gonna par up the questions, right?

So we’re gonna go through, I’m gonna answer these ones about who our partners are now. We’ve also in line with that what we said was that we are launching with our, or we’ve launched with our three partners, but we’ve actually put a process in place to add more partners. [00:09:00] So some people might, people want to, might wanna get listed onto Cleo as an execution partner.

So in order to do that I am not an expert as our CEO in this, our UK MD that runs all the marketing operations. He’s not an expert. Our chairman. He’s based out of Asia. He’s not an expert. You know, we are all passionate, but none of us are actually experts. So what we’ve done is we’ve gone out and we’ve started to put together an SDG.

so the ESG board will be in principle doing two things. They’ll be looking after our projects that we’re onboarding our execution partners in Cleo, but also they’ll be working with the VCs for our impact investing fund. Like we said, that’s completely owned through a DAO by our token holders. So they will be presenting the investment opportunities to the community, so to the token holders.

And the token holders will have complete. Authority to make decisions as to what to invest in when to divest and what to do with any returns. Anything we make, does it go towards a buy back and burn or does it go, does it roll into another investment? For example, we wanna correct this ecosystem, not just to do good now, but to look at investing in technologies and helping support technologies come to the market for good in the future.

So it’s pretty [00:01:00] exciting. So, by Dave Benicia, any token holder. Will be an investor in new climate tech technologies. And they’ll be making a decision as to how to guide that investment. But we do need an expert team that can sit right at the beginning to assess what opportunities to bring to the community.

So they’ll be responsible for that. So next question. What are the core advantages for Cleo, for brands in simplistic terms? Well, so if we start with marketing for good, relatively simple proposition, so you. Higher engagement, better quality leads at a lower price with a good for the planet that’s baked into the lead acquisition costs and is therefore self-funding.

So get more, better quality for less, do some good along the way, and that will help you with your ESG goals. And we are proving that with our first live client campaign through the application benefits for the users well. They get the good, right? So they’re gonna be consuming content [00:02:00] through a part of their natural course of the day anyway.

To fulfill their role, they’re gonna be looking for content, right? So asking questions, watching videos, attending webinars, and all things like that. So Cleo allows them to rack up a benefit for good through the natural course of their, of doing their job. The handy thing though, for having it on the block, and delivered in an application is that all of those goods can be added up, right?

So just like a consumer app, like Runkeeper for example, right? Tells you what you’ve just done, but it can look historically and it can count those things up. So, so Cleo does that too. So we’ll be doing some special promotions. We’ll be doing some objectives and challenges for people to consume enough content to get carbon offset for the year, for example.

Which on average will be five. . So if you achieve your five tons, you’ll get a special 2023 net zero certification in the form of an nft and lots of other things that are coming down the pipeline that I don’t wanna pre-release. Now. So the ideas, same as for brands, is that you’re just doing some good through the natural course[00:03:00] of your business operations.

One on the blockchain. Why did we choose Polygon? Well, if we would’ve gone back to 2023 20, sorry, we’re in 2023. If we would’ve gone back to 2017 and that’s when we were. , we probably would’ve had to build our own Blockchain would’ve gone and probably fought something and then we’d had to set up nodes and staking and all that kind of stuff.

But in reality, what’s important today is interoperability, scale and speed. And we can do that on a public open ledger. We’ve done a lot of research, a lot of testing and we’ve decided because. All of those things, plus the ability to have a really great N F T engine running across that as well.

All on the same platform. Our ability to connect to exchanges and to indexes with our tokens. We feel that Polygon is the perfect mix now. , of course, part of our revenue then has to go to support the fees on the Polygon network. But because Polygon is going carbon offset, we would’ve been doing that to carbon offset our own platform anyway, so that kind of washes its face.

[00:04:00] So we’re pretty excited. We think Polygon is the right platform for us. And that’s where we’re starting. Now, that doesn’t mean that’s necessarily where we’re gonna finish. The, the, we are very much chain agnostic. And the next question’s about if we go multi chain, We are in discussion with other applications to embed Cleo for good as a part of that.

So one is a social media application. We believe that a targeted social media application that is bringing people in to do live streaming and stuff like that, particularly in eSports and, and entertainment, having that, having a reward or an offer that they can dis. Or as a benefit to joining their channel, I think is, is incredibly important as well as making that type of technology carbon offset to attract bigger brands into that space.

So the advantage to Cleo two for another third party is it brings revenue as well, right? So Real complimentary to, to other platforms. They might be on different chains. So, so one of the ones we’re talking to actually isn’t on Polygon, which should make it super easy. It isn’t. So we are working on being interoperable to enable us to take advantage [00:05:00] of other chains for scale.

So a hundred percent that’s gonna come on board. What other projects can we look forward to? I think This’s talking about customers, . We do have around 10 to 12 confirmed projects in our pipeline, but we’re only gonna confirm them once they go live. So our second one should be live next week.

Obviously we’ve got our Lenovo one, which will continue through into q3, Q4 this year. And we’ve got lots coming, but we are not gonna do pre announcements. We’re not gonna announce announcements or we’ll tell you when they’re live. So I’ll be excitedly updating you when they go into. How can brands engage with Cleo?

Well, they can email me if anybody can email me at Jason@cleo.tech. We do have a existing team it’s fully established out of the UK that are handling the marketing campaigns. So the best way to get a campaign briefed into our pipeline is to go straight to our website. We’ve got a very simple form fill in that and somebody will reach out to you, whether, you know we need to start discussing the type of reward, the cost of the [00:06:00] rewards, the NFT designs.

There’s, there’s a lot to discuss. We are working with marketing agencies.

So it may be an agency looking to contact us as. . And of course, everybody else can come to our website, come to our discord. We’d love to hear from you. In our discord, we do have a very specific ask, any questions channel. So if you do wanna ask questions and get featured on these videos please do that.

Join our discord, and that’s where we’ll be talking about our white paper just coming out soon with tokenomics, our token listing event and our white listing. If you wanna engage your discord, join our community and enjoy the rest of the week.



Jason Sibley
Cleo Tech

Investor, CEO Cleo Tech, Head of Strategy for Creation Agency & Expandigroup, Advisor Earth9 and Hyprr