Being Broke, Jobless and Homeless in a New City

Cleopatras Worldwide
6 min readOct 29, 2019

How to follow your heart and not fall apart.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Moving to Berlin pretty spontaneously with nothing lined up nor much savings, yet a loving boyfriend by my side has been tough, but enough. There was not much thought in the process, we just did it. And here we are. It’s not been easy, but taking a chance has been the most eye-opening experience. It has taught me a hell of a lot so far, so here’s an insight into why it is worth it to follow your heart and pursue passions.

Keep the Hope

It is all about upholding a positive mindset daily, but it takes work. I can tune in to this optimism because I have a strong faith in God as well as in the universe. Keeping up my hopes daily includes being grateful for three things (or more) and making an effort to stay sweet. Keeping hope comes through the way you can cope. Seeking out simple ways like being grateful for just being alive has been one of those. Some days are harder, but that’s just the way it is.

Everything will work out in the end, if it doesn’t it isn’t the end.

Ok, such a renowned quote doesn’t always make sense, but something can only make sense if you want it to, right? It can be bizarre to bring this quote into existence at times with 20 euros in your account and no job to go to next week, but if you believe then there is always a reason to keep going. Even when you realise you are so small in this big bubble of creativity, hope is a form of honouring your unique self and not comparing yourself to everyone around you. That is also strenuous sometimes though. Berlin is buzzing. At times it felt like the number of people outweighed the opportunities available. At other times I woke up wondering how, why and what am I doing here?

I am here to follow my heart and pursue my passions, that is what life is for.

I mean why the heck not? I’m young and free, ready to show my energy. My boyfriend and I felt like pursuing our passions, and Berlin just felt “right”. So when I was doubting my decisions, I made my goal to be patient with myself.

Everything is OK”.

  • This became my “mantra” or reminder, where I’d prompt myself it’s all about daring to make your dreams come true.
  • No matter what, everything is OK. Right here, right now I am alive.
  • Think about it, if you have food on your plate, a roof over your head and people who love you, then that is all that matters. Yes, sometimes this did consist of the same pasta dish from Lidl and a bed on the floor, but it is something, not nothing.
  • You are always better off thinking positively rather than negatively.

Taking Risks is Worth it

With risks comes courage. Being brave become my only answer on days where I’d applied to jobs and been declined. I admit it, I didn’t have a plan, neither of us did. We just moved here and thought we would get a job in something, somewhere. We took life by the balls and were willing to make it work any which way. Some might say my boyfriend and I are brave for moving just like that when others bitch at us for being just ‘another pair of stupid hipsters coming to Berlin with no plan’. (Yes, this was the hate on Facebook we got when trying to find a place to live!).

With risk comes resilience. Resilience is important for all of us to cope with stress and change. We are all made of it. I discovered exactly this when moving around every three weeks out of a suitcase (did I mention for the past four months now?) and spending most of my time searching for a place to live rather than looking for work… Resilience is what kept me going because I knew if I didn’t do something then I would end up on the streets. Simple as.


The same applies to everyday life. There’s always going to be people who strive to sadden others and put them down. They are lame and don’t have anything better to do: that is what I always tell myself anyway.

Self Development is a Daily Thing

…as well as stress.

I’ve become a lot more reflective and self-aware, that’s for sure. Embrace every emotion and learn from them in there own way. When winging about being stressed, my partner says ‘just relax’, but man is it easier said than done a lot of the time. I believe it’s good to feel pressure as well as uneasiness because it spurs you on to accept everything for what it is.

Acceptance is key.

If you are ready to grow, then you learn how to cope with day to day doses of negative feelings. Breathe. Take a bath. Read. Lie down. I’ve had so much free time during this whole moving phase that I now know what I must do to come back to me; simply drink a cup of tea. It could be that effortless for you, just try out your options and see what fits and finds peace within.

Make the Most of What you Got

There’s no money to buy anything else but food and rent since coming here, so we just make do. It shows how it’s possible to live with what you’ve got. Luckily, Berlin is a cheap and friendly capital city to exist in. However, the little luxuries of going out for a drink (or two) was not possible. We wanted to connect with people, but it was pretty difficult finding the balance.

Instead, I began to become more appreciative of everything I owned in a suitcase. Living out of a suitcase has been bonkers, but it’s also so much simpler. I do think that living with less in life is exhilarating, and everyone should try it out at least once. It has shown me that I don’t need too much to survive and I have got all I need, there is no need for more. Once reaching this point of enlightenment, you are seasoned with a sense of security and organic contentment.

Little Things Matter Most

It is the little things that truly matter most in life. Everyone says it and it is true. For some, it takes a whole life to learn, but for us, it took four months of finding ourselves in this city (and still are!). A hug in the silence, the sun shining through the window, the smell of coffee, or a smile of a stranger in the street. The list goes on and they are always there for you to notice, no matter what.

Friends and Family are the Best

Keep your loved ones close, especially in times of need. Their love, care and compassion are what gets you through. I have been blessed with friends that have praised me for doing what I am doing and my family never question nor judge. So maybe you don’t have that support, but you will always find love if you are open and ready to accept it. If you are lucky enough to be blessed as I am, be grateful.

Still, feeling lost has to rank up there at number 1 with the negative circumstances. There is never a day that passes by without pressure arising, but I have now learnt to replace it with patience. Cure pressure with patience. Gain strength in God. Remember why and keep your spirits high. Following your heart is something so courageous, not everyone has the guts to do it, praise yourself for it and envision the empowerment of the present moment.



Cleopatras Worldwide

Tea addict, yoga teacher, well-being coach, passionate writer spreading peace. No-BS advice: focus on well-being.