In Order To Unlock More of our potential, we need to Get over the Desire to Feel Important

Alexandra (Lex) Hearth
Cleopatras Worldwide
5 min readOct 9, 2019


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

This time last year I had landed back into Heathrow Airport after four days in Heiligenhafen; a small seaside town on the Northern Coast of Germany. I hadn’t gone for vay-cay, but to shoot some adverts for a well-known car brand. Heiligenhafen, in October, is absolutely freezing. Add to that some professional and personal stress and I’d fallen a little ill. When I arrived back into Heathrow I was exhausted and looking forward to take-away and bed.

I went outside the terminal to meet my taxi driver and with half a smile and meek thank you, bundled my weakening self into the back seat. The taxi driver was talking animatedly on the phone so I rested my head against the window and switched off. Ahhh.

Until. The phone call ended.

The phone call, as it turned out, was a pretty significant one for my taxi driver. Having managed some junior footballers for a few years, he had just made his first professional deal, worth over £1million.

Now, I don’t watch football. I could name most of the Premier League England clubs and I know who Ronaldo is, but it isn’t something I actively research. So he rattled off names of managers, the club, the name of his player telling me: “Check the news next week, you’ll see!” I also don’t…



Alexandra (Lex) Hearth
Cleopatras Worldwide

@lexonthedecks | Ex Nike | Writer & Philosopher | DJ | Podcaster (Top #10 Apple Music Podcast) | “I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”