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Inviting all writers — who love to teach

If you’re a writer who loves teaching, I have something to share with you.

Animesh Kumar
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2017


My best friend Utkarsh and I have built a place, exclusively for written educational content — so you can teach different concepts and lessons from mathematics, technology, science, art, history, philosophy etc.

It’s called Clerro.

We deeply believe that good educational content deserves a dedicated place of it’s own — away from news, opinion, personal stories and marketing speak.

Sure, Medium is a great place to write. There’s plenty of educational content on Medium that’s very well written and clearly explains critical concepts from computer science, physics, psychology, etc.

Regardless, Medium is also home to tonnes of other well (and poorly) written content that’s opinionated, newsworthy, personal and even plain marketing speak — making it almost incongruous with the tone set by good educational content.

And then there’s the race for glory that you, dear educator, must win, so that your intellectual labour doesn’t get buried but actually reaches the masses and successfully transfers empirical, intellectual knowledge from your brains to theirs.

Just how YouTube was becoming a home for all videos — educational and entertaining alike, places like Udemy created a dedicated world for those focused on skill development. Similarly, Clerro is an effort for building a laser sharp focus towards written educational content. And written, because writing is still the easiest way for most people to express what they know without overcoming a learning curve and spending weeks (and even months in case of good videos) before they could publish a piece of content.

What Clerro offers

At the core of Clerro, lies an editor which is built for teaching. It’s a minimalist WYSIWYG editor which let’s you —

  1. Draft your lessons in a format where you can break your knowledge down in chapters — each chapter visually distinguishable and navigable
  2. Add images and video seamlessly
  3. Add code (with basic formatting)
  4. Add math (via tex functions — powered by Katex)
  5. And of course, rich text formatting

As a technology startup, our efforts are focused towards making the editor more and more powerful. Hopefully, soon, the Clerro editor would let you add graphs, geometry, and even one click animations (for instance, one that simulates gravity on individual particles).

What would make Clerro a safe haven for teaching and learning though, is not a robust editor or lack thereof. But a community of passionate educators willing to spend time and make it easy for people (even layman) to understand how the world (and the universe) really works.

Naval Ravikant, the founder of Angel list recently tweeted

Reading science, math, and philosophy one hour per day will likely put you at the upper echelon of human success within seven years.

Via Clerro, we’re trying to do just that, at large.

That said, I’m excited to invite you to join us in making the world smarter.


Here’s a few more ways you can contribute and participate in making Clerro even more awesome —

  • We have a Trello Board open for everyone to submit ideas, bugs and other feedback. You can see which ones move from suggestions to “Backlog” list, on to our “Doing” list and forward to our “Live” list.
  • If you would like to talk to me personally for suggestion and ideas, you can shoot an email to or tweet at me animeshkmar.



Animesh Kumar
Editor for

Programmer, musician, astrophysics enthusiast, husband, cat-parent. Love good food and good design. Co-founder of