Why Daniel Tiger Should Raise My Kids

Dara Friedman-Wheeler
Clever Behaviorist Mom
2 min readJul 18, 2018

Daniel Tiger was in the news a bit, this week (for the total awesomeness of the series, of course). Reminded me that I should post this story, written a while back…

I’m thinking I might let Daniel Tiger raise my kids.

You know all those cute little jingles he has? That kids are far more likely to remember because they’re jingles (kind of like how I remember the “Have a Coke and a Smile” song)?

“Try and solve the problem yourself, and you’ll feel prou-ou-ou-oud”.

Problem-solving skills (and efficacy). Critical. Brilliant.

Serena took what felt like a long time to be able to get ready in the morning independently (I’ll just note here, if I haven’t already, that Ben needs instructions approximately once before internalizing new habits. He is often the first one ready in our house in the morning.)

Serena: “Mommy, I can’t find my shoes. I need help.”

Me: “You’re 4 years old. You’re old enough to find your own shoes.”

What would Daniel Tiger say? “Try and solve the problem yourself, and you’ll feel prou-ou-ou-oud.” It’s positive. It’s true. It doesn’t let them off the hook. Brilliant.

Kind of like the video games on the Sesame Street website? Yes, I just said video games. But I also said Sesame Street, which means they’re awesome. You know the Cookie Monster one, where he’s competing in some Olympic-like sports, and he gets nervous or embarrassed or something? I’d probably say, “You don’t have to feel embarrassed! It happens to everyone.” Not awful… But what does Grover say to Cookie Monster? “It sounds like that is a Big Feeling! Sometimes when I have Big Feelings I take deep breaths…” Again, brilliant. Validate the feeling, teach a skill for managing it.

I like Caillou. I know. Many of you have now stopped reading. People have very strong feelings about Caillou. They find him whiny. And I guess he is. I like to make my kids watch Caillou in French, and it doesn’t bother me in French. Other parents hate Caillou’s parents because they always have the perfect response. Yes! They do! These are my parenting classes! I take notes. Caillou’s mom has some brilliant interventions, and I borrow them.

Oh, and Doc McStuffins. Public health messages AND counterstereotypical roles AND jingles! You don’t have to nag your kids; you can sing! “Water, water… You gotta drink way more water than you think!”

I should probably turn on the TV and leave the room. The cartoon tiger might do a better job than I’m doing.



Dara Friedman-Wheeler
Clever Behaviorist Mom

Dara Friedman-Wheeler, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist, research psychologist, and author of the book Being the Change.