Flexibility Over Processes

Anastasia Mudrova
2 min readMar 7, 2017


Do you want to know the main reason you overthink? You have the time to.

You think about what to do or what not to do, what has been already done or not done, and what would be “best” for you and for everyone around you. And you try to avoid overthinking life-or-death way.

The first thing you should understand is that your thoughts are just thoughts and won’t change your immediate reality. A thought lasts for less than half a second. Do you know the secret? If you are not engaged in it, it doesn’t last at all. Be the boss. Learn to let your thoughts pass away without reacting to them, and let them go without engaging yourself in the process. Or at least just write them down and check back in the evening.

You waste your time on your endless thoughts. Your day will never be productive if more time than necessary is allowed for aimless thinking. Acting always leads to clarity, and thinking doesn’t. Be a Doer. Have courage and end your overthinking by simply taking an action. Take a step to know and do things rather than to think about them.

Don’t worry about your decisions being perfect. Your decisions will never be the grand finale. You’ll never know what something will be like until you experience it. No one can see all possible scenarios in advance. And that’s a good thing. That is life. Be flexible. Just get started, move forward, even if it turns out you started moving in the wrong direction. Remember, carefulness has never changed the world.

Thinking has, many a time, made me sad, darling; but doing never did in all my life….My precept is, do something, my sister, do good if you can; but at any rate, do something.― Elizabeth Gaskell

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