
rambunctious little spitfire

Clever Dogs


The CleverPet team is super excited about meeting the clever dogs that will get to play all day while their owners work. In the last week of our Kickstarter campaign, we’ve profiled a few of the dogs that have convinced their owners to pledge. Today’s profile features Joey the puppy, thanks to Stephanie & Jordan.

Name: Joey

Age: 4.5 months old

Breed: Havanese

Favorite game: Chase! Every morning he waits at the elementary school bus stop, waiting to play “chase the stick” with his favorite group of first graders.

Meet Joey

Joey is a rambunctious little spitfire. He is go, go, go, 24-7. When he’s not busy chasing his tail, his 3 cats, or his best friend Watson the basset hound, he’s busy giving his people kisses. He’ll also do anything for a belly rub!

Why are you a dog owner?

We both grew up with dogs in our families. They have always been our best friends. I can’t imagine life without one.

How clever is Joey?

Joey is too clever for his own good. Recently, he pretended to be napping while having friends over. He laid quietly in each of their laps, all the while stealing bits of paper (receipts, money, tissues) from their pockets and hiding them in his mouth. We had no idea until his treasures started showing up in shreds around the house- days later!

What does Joey do when you aren’t home?

Joey gets too lonely for us to leave him home alone! If we leave him alone for even 10 minutes, he shreds everything in sight or he cries. We hope the CleverPet will be the perfect babysitter!

What are you hoping to get out of the CleverPet?

Joey is tireless! He is a quick learner, loves to work, and loves to play games. We hope that CleverPet will provide an outlet for his boundless energy when we can’t be there with him. Also, for the proud parents in us, we can’t wait to see what Joey can learn!

CleverPet is a learning console that engages and teaches your dog. We are super excited about meeting the clever dogs that will get to play all day while their owners work. Our Clever Dogs collection features profiles of the lucky dogs that will be some of the first to receive CleverPets.

Many thanks to Setphanie for sharing about Neko! All of the photos of Joey you see here are Stephanie’s and she kindly gave us permission to use them.

Learn more about CleverPet



Clever Dogs

A busy dog is a happy dog! Get the tool that adapts over time to engage with smart play, all day. See it in action: