Moving in (again)

Javier Bosch Liarte
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2019

Hi everyone, we keep moving! Last week we finally moved to what will be Cleverea’s home for the next months (or weeks, who knows!). We have joined a coworking space called Empren UPC at the UPC University in Barcelona. A good part of the team studied here so it felt like going back a few years.

It is not a WeWork-type coworking (so don’t think of free beers, table tennis, fake grass or designer chairs…) but it has everything any startup needs: high speed wifi, desks, magnetic boards, AC and 24/7 access. And trust us, coming from the desert-hot living room of our apartment in Madrid, this feels like heaven.

There are 12 other startups around working on pretty cool stuff, from tech-enabled fridges to check-in kiosks for hotels or an outdoor sports travel community. Great people and awesome projects! Who knows, we may end up building some hardware in the future (a policy vending machine? Hmmm, let’s write that one down)!

Our 6 offices so far…

We are proud to hold (very likely, no source here) the record for the maximum number of offices in the shortest period of time. Let’s wrap up some of the places we’ve been working from in the last few months:

1. March-April

Well, ok, before we left our previous jobs (more info in upcoming posts) we did spend a bit of time thinking, researching and building the conceptual design of Cleverea. So, in a way, our 1st office was not completely ours. (Sorry about that, Bank of America and Oliver Wyman). No picture here.

2. May to mid-July

The living room at the founders’ apartment in Juan Bravo 26 in Madrid. Nothing remarkable, you work, eat, drink and sleep in the same 120sqm. Hot as hell as it is customary in the summer in Madrid. Thank you again to our fourth roommate to whom we still owe a proper dinner:

Joan (left), Alvaro (center) and myself.

3. Late-July

We borrowed a meeting room at a girlfriend’s family offices in Barcelona. Plenty of paintings on the walls, no phone signal, free coffee and our first AC:

Borrowed office and paintings

4. August

Joan and Javier’s parents’ home. Too many people in such a small place. Being 4 siblings has always been about sharing space but add another co-founder and our first employee, just too much. Again, hot as hell and back to live without AC, just a couple of fans. Another proper dinner that we owe!


5. Early September

Javier’s recently rented apartment. With AC!! Back to basics: a board-type oval table, a few chairs and a very strong smell of paint. Nothing more nothing less:

Alvaro (left) and Ignasi (right)

6. Present

UPC campus in Barcelona. Home of the Empren UPC coworking

We hoped you liked this (very illustrative) post as we try to share with you more about Cleverea. In future posts we will be telling you more about the “startup” life itself.

Any credits for the pictures must go to our friends, girlfriends, family and roomates that have put up with us for so long. Thank you!

