Resume Tips that will help land you that developer job in 2021

Srikar Kusumanchi
Clever Programmer
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2020

Your resume is very important if you want to get that job as an SWE at Google. However, you can’t just walk in with a resume that was put together in two seconds. You need to craft your resume correctly and make sure you have all the key points in your resume, so recruiters will want to accept you for their company. If your aim is at FAANG, the recruiters there only have 5 seconds to review your resume. 5 seconds to make an impression, so you can move on to the next level of the hiring process. I am going to let that sink in, so you know how little that time is… That’s why it’s very important for you to craft your resume to perfection.

In this article, I will be guiding you and showing you how to create a resume that will look clean and organized. I am going to stop talking about the importance about resumes, so we can move on to creating a great resume.

Tip #1: Overall Structure

The first step in crafting your resume is looking at the overall structure of it and making sure you have everything. Your resume should be broken down into two columns to reduce white space. All the essentials need to be listed out first. Education, Work Experience, Skills, Projects. Don’t panic or get stressed if you don’t have any work experience. List out all the best projects you’ve got in your inventory.

Tip #2: Projects

When you’re doing the section of your projects on your resume, make sure to have the following when filling it out. You will need to list which technologies were used. This is very important because recruiters can then see your proficiency in that specific area. Also include why it was developed, like if it’s a personal project, it wasn’t bestowed upon you that you need to make it, you made it for some purpose. An example of this could be “Programmed a game environment for learning purposes”. In this example, the recruiter and you can see why this project was created. How did it add value to the company/client? When formatting this part of your resume, it should be an action + result. For example, “Created a spam filter which increased the company’s productivity by 30 percent”. You would also want to add How did it add value to yourself. This question is very important to answer in your resume because it allows the recruiters to know how it benefitted you and your skills.

Tip #3: Work Experience

When adding your work experience, you want to keep the following in mind as it will help you in the long run. Add the most notable and current company first because that’s what recruiters look at first. If you put some company where you did nothing, that will be what the recruiters see. Another reason why this is important is because recruiters don’t have much time reviewing your resume. That’s why when putting your work experience, you should list it from which one you helped the most to which one that you didn’t do too much in. Also include your position in that company and the work you’ve done. When listing out what you did there, you should be writing what you did and because of that what was the result or how did it help the company. If you include statistics or numbers, that will also increase your chances of moving forward.

Tip #4: Education

If you’re currently a student or just recently graduated, this section is important because you might not have too much experience and it will help the recruiters know what you know. In this section, be sure to include relevant coursework that pertains to the job. For instance, if you’re applying for a Back-end developer, you would want to put that you know Algorithms and Data Structures, not Graphic Design.

Tip #5: Skills

In this section, you should put any technical skills that you know. Don’t separate them out by how proficient you are because that proves nothing. Also, don’t put that little bar and it’s like 3/4 full, like wtf does that even mean. Are you saying that you know 75% of the language or 75% that’s your confidence level in that language? There are just too many meanings that can derive from this, so it’s not a great thing to put that on your resume. Instead, you could separate your languages by the area you use it for. For websites, you could put HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue, php, Flask, Django, or any others that you know. By doing this, the recruiters will know what technologies you’re comfortable working with in a specific situation. Like if you need to develop a website, they can go to the website section and see what technologies you know when building a website.


I hope you got a ton of value from this post. What I want you to do is, use the tips and how the resume should be structured. You’ve got your resume crafted and ready, now apply for your dream job. You can thank me once you move on to the next level. Good Luck! 🍀

See you in the next one!

Srikar Kusumanchi



Srikar Kusumanchi
Clever Programmer

Blogger, freelancer, web/mobile app developer! Let’s connect! IG: srikar.programs