The Best Way to Learn Programming

Amaanath Mumtaz
Clever Programmer
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2021


Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

There are no easy ways, but there are better ways to do things.

Recently, I read something called “The aggregation of marginal gains” from Atomic Habits by James Clear, which means searching for tiny margins of improvement in everything you do.

Well then, let’s see how you can improve how you learn programming.

What’s the best way to learn programming?

Watching tutorials on a specific topic on YouTube? Reading articles? Blog posts? Books?

Or is it just simply coding 24x 7?

Well, the best way to learn programming is,

Teaching and Building Projects.

I said it right,

Let’s talk about how can “teaching” help you learn programming a lot faster…

Teaching Programming 👨‍🏫

A lot of you might have already heard about this method of learning – Learning by teaching others. Even studies have been done to prove this method works.

Recently, I wrote an article on “How to fetch data from an API in JavaScript using the fetch() method”. The reason I wrote the article was to actually learn how to do it…

Sounds a little crazy, but recall an incident in school or college where you…



Amaanath Mumtaz
Clever Programmer

✨ I write on the internet on everything that sparks my interest Let's connect on Twitter: @amaanathm