What Programming Language Should I Learn First?

Rafeh Qazi
Clever Programmer
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2017

TLDR; My choice: Python. Why? Python is at the perfect intersection of the most paid, easiest, and highly trending (overtook Java in popularity in 2016).

If you’re more of a video person, here’s my take on why Python is awesome. Prefer to read? No problem! Scroll on.

It can feel overwhelming when you try to pick a programming language to learn. You have so many choices — and there are a lot of factors to consider. How hard is the language to learn? How in demand is it? What can you use it for? It’s INSANE. I know.

Programming Language Maze!

Credit: http://carlcheo.com/startcoding

You can see at the bottom left that Python has an average salary of $107,000, it’s highly popular, and has the easiest difficulty.

People often ask me

But Qazi, Who uses Python!?

Well, that’s a great question…

The biggest companies use python.

You might know a few of these ;).

Aren’t these pictures so pretty? I just love it.

Let me show you a few more. Some say pictures are worth a thousand words. I say these pictures could be worth about $107,000 for you ❤.

Credit: Indeed.com

Python overtook Java in popularity in 2016.

You can see the red line of python racing past every other language.

Last picture of the day, I promise!

Python is the top language at the best universities. Why? Because it’s the easiest and has the most room for growth. Think going from 1st grade to NASA, Python is capable of it all.

The time will come when you need to know multiple languages… Every developer does.

But, it’s best to start with ONE language and learn it well. Then you can explore and becoming good at other languages.

Remember, your focus is to learn the concepts in the start while building real stuff. Python does a good job of staying out of your way and letting you build powerful things.

Comment I saw on Reddit

What does this mean for you? Your journey to becoming a software developer is not easy, but it’s simple.

You can think of it like this. Learning computer programming is like learning a language. You want to start with a super easy language to pick up before you move onto learning more languages.

So, to answer the fun question of what programming should you learn first? I would recommend learning python. SHOCKING. I know. But, it genuinely is the best language to start with first and I back it 739%.

Hi, I’m Rafeh Qazi. Founder of Clever Programmer.

Ready to make your first step?

Learn Python by Building Projects. You can join over 15,000+ students who are taking my FREE python course right now. You can choose to take the course on my website for free or just check it out on YouTube.

Here’s the first video of the course:

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