Finding perspective

Yvonne Feiger
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016
Sunny Sundays in Mexico City

CLIC is the result of a personal transition, from growing up in a fairly well known and contained environment (Vienna) to living as a stranger in a foreign context with no knowledge of the culture or the language around me. Moving to Mexico changed my life mostly for the better, but I spent lonely and sad hours questioning my decision while struggling with Spanish and trying to make new friends.

Each day I kept on surprising myself. Shifting locations has changed my perspective on the world, my concept of geography, my definition of periphery, and my relationship to borders. Living outside of what I used to call the center of the world has made a huge impact on me.

As a student of Cultural Studies, Communication Science and International Education I was taught to challenge Eurocentric notions of the world. In a sense, moving far away from Europe and into to the so-called “developing world” helped me push this critique a bit further, even though I constantly catch myself falling into the old-type of though (20 years of socialization and educational instruction are not easy to abandon).

Follow me and CLIC on our journey! We will be exploring the idea of “global citizenship” from different perspectives and through experimental research and practice. CLIC aims to introduce an open dialogue between global citizens back home and in the field.



Yvonne Feiger
Editor for

I speak-read-write-perform. I love words & languages. Vienna, TelAviv, Istanbul, NewYork & MexicoCity are home. Knowledge empowers us with the ability to act.