Looking for Medium Photography Writers!

Dallin Spencer
Click, Click, PHOTO!
3 min readFeb 2, 2021
Two cameras pointing at a snowy lake as the sun is setting.
Courtesy of Creative Commons

Do you have a burning passion for photography?

Have you been inspred by a photograph and want to know it’s story? Have you had experiance in the world of photography and just want to share what you have learned?

Click, Click PHOTO Might be the publication for you!

Email us at clickclickphoto.writers@gmail.com if you want to become a photography writer for Click, Click, PHOTO!

Hello 👋 My Name Is Matt Spalding, Editor for the Publication Click, Click, PHOTO! At the moment, it is just me writing articles, posting tutorials, and looking every week for great photography inspiration to post for this publication. But I know that Click, Click, PHOTO could be more than a side project to post every once and a while. It could be the go-to photography publication on medium — But I need help to do that.

But First, what is click, click, PHOTO?

Click, Click, PHOTO is Sharing Photography stories, tutorials, and photo inspirations to motivate fellow photographers. For myself, I found the photographer Peter McKinnon was my way into photography, and we hope to do the same for others. Inspiring photographers to be passionate about the craft of photography.

When it comes to other writers, like ( Alex Schult and Darryl Brooks )it seems that they have been able to grow and be successful all on their own. However, I found through my own efforts how hard it is to write an article that is 5 minutes long every week and have high engagement on it to grow consistently. It is time-consuming. The research done for each article takes multiple hours to compile and learn from to write my own.

I have found small success, having articles with over 1,000 reads that have boosted the Click, Click, PHOTO publication to almost 90 followers. But I get often frustrated because any growth that I would want to get from other publications it feels like they are impossible to write for, not having a link to message someone with or an email.

Honestly, I have to like hunt down editors on twitter (if they have one) and pm message them if I could write for their publication (if they remeber they have one at all).

That is where you come in writers!

Woman writing down on a notepad.
Courtesy of Creative Commons

I know just like me, your looking to earn a little money and have a platform to grow upon on medium — so let us fellow photographers grow together! a

Email us at clickclickphoto.writers@gmail.com if you want to become a photography writer for Click, Click, PHOTO.

If each of us even take an effort to write at least one article a month, then we all can help grow this publication to where we all can earn some passive income — Something on the side. I hope you as a fellow photographer feel the same way, wanting to earn a little money, as well as growing and helping other learn what it takes to be a masterful photographer.

Shoot a comment under this post too and let’s talk. Lets have a space for photography writers to speak their piece and learn from each other.

Hope to talk with you all soon! 💫

Email us at clickclickphoto.writers@gmail.com if you want to become a photography writer for Click, Click, PHOTO!



Dallin Spencer
Click, Click, PHOTO!

https://nowthatsphotography.etsy.com 🏜I’m a professional photographer specializing in Landscape Photography and writing from experience. Writing for Dorothea💫