Photographing the Magic of Rainbows

Dallin Spencer
Click, Click, PHOTO!
6 min readMar 5, 2021


Rainbow behind the house.
Courtesy of Creative Commons

Rainbows are spectacularly amazing.

They have a hidden talent, the ability to make everyone stop in their tracks and take in their beauty. No matter how many times we’ve seen them, there’s something about those colors in the sky that never loses its intrigue. Part of what makes them intriguing, perhaps, is just how short-lived they are! Rainbows appear and disappear in a moment, giving us just a brief window to capture and enjoy them.

But rainbows aren’t just challenging because of their fleeting nature — it can be extremely challenging just to capture a genuinely outstanding rainbow photo. Often, what you see in the sky as vibrant and colorful, ends up appearing dull and muted in-camera. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to increase your chances of capturing a breathtaking rainbow image.

If you want to be ready the next time one appears in your line of sight, here’s what you can do to increase your chances of capturing an amazing eye- catching shot.

Without further or ado, let us get started!

1. Of Course, Finding a Rainbow



Dallin Spencer
Click, Click, PHOTO! 🏜I’m a professional photographer specializing in Landscape Photography and writing from experience. Writing for Dorothea💫