Easy | Healthy | Breakfast

Easy Yogurt Parfait

A Delicious and Healthy Breakfast For On the Go!

Eliza Dub.
Click for the Crave


Photo by: Click for the Crave

Parfaits have been one of my favorite breakfasts for so many years. It is easy to make and flavorful!

You can make a parfait your own by adding your favorite fruits and flavors!


  • 1 yogurt about 5.3 oz (I use greek yogurt)
  • 1 cup of your favorite fruits (I used chopped strawberries, raspberries, and banana)
  • ⅓ cup Granola (check out my homemade granola recipe!)
  • Honey (optional)


  • Place ½ or ⅓ of yogurt (depending on how many layers you want to do) in a cup or jar.
  • Layer on granola to desired thickness. Add some of your fruit and then more yogurt.
  • Repeat the process until you have finished your yogurt or until the desired amount is reached.
  • (Optional: Drizzle honey on top as well as granola and fruit)
  • Enjoy right away, while the granola is still crunchy, or refrigerate the parfait (the granola will get soft)!

Makes one serving

