Turning Customer Feedback into Products: My Journey in Product Management

Benedict Steven
ClickPesa Engineering Blog
3 min readAug 17, 2023

In the exciting world of product management, I’ve discovered that listening to customers and incorporating their feedback is the key to success. In this article, I want to share my day-to-day experiences and a simple approach that helps me create exceptional products. Join me as we explore how customer feedback shapes our product development process.

Gathering Insights: Listening to Customers and Sales Team

Every day, I make it a priority to listen to customers and the sales team. Customers share their needs, challenges, and desires directly with me or with the sales team. The sales team provides valuable market insights and anecdotes. By combining these inputs, I gain a clear understanding of what our customers want.

Organizing Feedback: Keeping It All in One Place

To make sure no feedback gets lost, I keep a central repository. It helps me stay organized and categorize the feedback effectively. This repository becomes a valuable resource that guides our product development journey.

Analyzing Feasibility: Balancing What’s Possible and What’s Needed

Once I have gathered feedback, I evaluate the feasibility of implementing the ideas. I consider factors like our resources and the market demand. This analysis helps me find the right balance between what customers want and what we can realistically deliver.

Prioritizing Features: Making Informed Decisions

With limited resources, prioritization is crucial. I carefully assess the potential impact and alignment with our product strategy. Features that offer the most value to customers and fit our goals take priority. Others are considered for future iterations.

Creating Demos: Visualizing Solutions

To bridge the gap between ideas and implementation, we create demos to visually represent proposed features. These demos provide customers with a glimpse of how the solutions will work, helping them understand the value they offer. The demos allow us to gather feedback and refine the features before proceeding with full implementation.

Collaboration with the Development Team: Working Together for Success

Collaboration is key to our success. I work closely with the development team to turn ideas into reality. We have regular discussions, plan our work, and provide feedback to each other. Together, we ensure the product meets customer needs.

Iterative Development and Deployment: Continuous Improvement

Our development process is iterative. We test, gather feedback, and make improvements before releasing the final product. This approach allows us to continuously enhance the product and exceed customer expectations.

Day to day activities flow as a product manager at ClickPesa

As a product manager, I actively engage with customers and leverage feedback to create great products. By listening, organizing feedback, analyzing feasibility, prioritizing features, creating demos to validate ideas, collaborating with the development team, and embracing an iterative approach, we continually improve our products. Together, we deliver solutions that not only meet customer expectations but also make a real difference in their lives.

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