‘Don’t Look Up’ Director Says We Face Climate Catastrophe in 6-8 Years

Climate scientists disagree with the Hollywood director, but he’s not 100% wrong. Here’s why.

J. Mahoney


Woman with mirror to face in the desert
wōgzer / Unsplash

As you would imagine, the director of climate catastrophe movie, Don’t Look Up has a lot to say about climate change:

Adam McKay / twitter

A lot of climate scientists and researchers did not like this tweet.

But as hyperbolic as it may be, we have heard this before.

The UN has said something similar. President Biden argued it last year to motivate Congress out of its torpor. We know the drill.

If we don’t act this decade, a terrible future awaits us.

Time to act.

So why did climate scientists and researchers not like this tweet?

It’s a matter of nuance.

Here are three particular reasons climate scientists, such as Chris Colose and Hannah Ritchie, criticized Adam McKay’s tweet.

How climate scientists fell out of love with the ‘Don’t Look Up’ director



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