Pensions Are Our Hidden Superpower To Tackle the Climate Crisis. Here’s Why (and What To Do)

What’s the point in collecting a pension in a world on fire?

J.R. Flaherty


Photo by Shazaf Zafar on Unsplash

We know planning for retirement, and for climate change, happens over decades.

Both are long-term investments. But do you know whether your salary is unwittingly funding companies destroying the planet?

It’s not always so easy to find out.

Cancer doctor Dr. Bronwyn King discovered her pension invested in tobacco companies. In her TED Talk, she found her pension had killed more people than she’d been saving with her life’s work as a doctor.

“What’s the point in collecting a pension in a world on fire?” — Richard Curtis, Make My Money Matter

With more than $50tn invested in pensions worldwide, pensions are the key for global citizens to make companies invest in planet-friendly solutions.

This year, it is riskier than ever to invest in the future of fossil fuel companies. With the 2030 targets, you hear fossil fuel energy companies described by the banking industry as potential “stranded assets.”

While citizens are also putting pressure on their pension funds for faster change.

