What a Plastic-Eating Mushroom From the Amazon Says About the Planet Today

Here is what you can learn from it.

J. Mahoney


bright coloured x rays of mushrooms
Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

In 2011, 20 undergraduates from Yale University’s Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry traveled to Ecuador with professor Scott Strobel on a research trip.

Russia has attacked Europe’s largest nuclear plant in Ukraine and all I can think about is a crazy plastic-eating fungi found in a corner of Ecuador.

Let’s first meet the ancient and wise fungi who have lived on this planet for thousands of times longer than the entire existence of the human species.

Here is what we can learn from them.

One billion years ago, mushrooms ruled the world.

purple, blue and green mushrooms as x ray experiment
Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Long before humans, or even trees.

Three-metre tall fungus fingers dominated the planet.

The fungi kingdom is neither animal, plant, nor mineral.

Land plants come onto the scene 300 million years later.

Humanoids did not cramp their style until 5 to 7 million years ago.



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