Go figure

House Of Air

The Future of House Construction

Climate Change is Unstoppable …
2 min readFeb 19, 2014


Polystyrene and Concrete Composite Sample

Climate Change, if current weather trends continue, our need for replacement building materials will skyrocket

Many believe that deforestation complicates Climate Change, others insist that Wood is our staple construction material..

Climate Change at Work in our Neighborhoods

With Net Zero Energy constructed homes becoming a target for all future building construction, a better substitute must be used. Rigidly Sealed Air (Expanded Polystyrene or EPS) is and can be that abundant alternative construction material. Derived from Natural Gas, EPS is between 95% - 98% Air, Rot and Mold Proof. EPS is Fire Proof when coated with Concrete, making it almost an ideal material that so-far is being ignored by most professionals who should know better.

EPS, Rigid Air Close-Up

Raw materials used for making EPS can be obtained from the savings the structure it is producing, Net Zero Energy House, will appeal to everyone interested in Energy Conservation and Climate Change..

A house built from AIR can be our savior, but not if we continue ignoring all the capabilities and savings we can realize from this abundant material. ALL the technology for it use is now in our hands.

