Three Easy Ways You Can Help the Environment Thrive

Matthew Gannon
Climate Conscious
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2021


And why small additions to your backyard can make a huge difference

A fuzzy bee on a green flower bud.
Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels

I sometimes wonder what the planet used to look like before humans put their stamp on it. I picture lush landscapes, thriving wildlife, infinite ecosystems, and harmony. We now live in a world that often prioritizes progress, profits, and convenience over ensuring the environment thrives.

It can feel impossible to return to this perfect state, but the truth is, we can. Nature has an incredible way of regenerating when it is given the time and care to do so.

There are so many ways we can make a huge impact on the environment in a positive way. We mustn’t turn this anxiety into inaction. No one can do this alone, yet each of us can do our share. The best part is, it’s not difficult!

When we all learn how to take care of the environment around us, we begin to realize all the beauty and benefit it provides in return.

Below, I list a few steps towards bringing nature back to her euphoric state.

1. Install a solitary beehive

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