3 Policies That Would Change the World (And Solve the Climate Crisis)

Social transformation is necessary to give us a fighting chance of success

Paul Abela, MSc
Climate Conscious


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Achieving net zero by 2050 has become a beacon climate action revolves around. Each country that agreed to the Paris Agreement has submitted Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the UNFCCC, laying out their plans to reduce emissions. The NDCs allow the UNFCCC to determine whether the world is on course to reach net-zero by 2050. Based on current NDCs we’re way off the mark, with the world on track for 2.7 °C warming by 2100. And that’s a best-case scenario. The NDCs fall woefully short of the 2°C limit the IPCC has set as an upper threshold that must not be exceeded to avoid catastrophic environmental changes.

We are knowingly continuing on a path leading to failure. It seems incomprehensible when the fate of humanity is at risk. And yet we’re hurtling towards failure because the underlying causes of the climate crisis remain unquestioned. What’s required is a radical rethink of how we do things. Considering failure isn’t an option, here are three radical policy changes that would give us a fighting chance of success.

1. Move away from a growth economy



Paul Abela, MSc
Climate Conscious

Writer and systems thinker | Place a lens on the social, economic and political causes of the climate crisis | Visit my website and blog at transformatise.com