5 Terribly Underrated Climate Change Facts Everybody Should Be Aware Of

#5. We’re not doomed yet.

Eszter Brhlik
Climate Conscious
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2022


Picture by freepik from Freepik

Climate change has become part of your life. You go to social media, turn on the TV, talk with friends, and sustainability appears.

Everybody talks about it. People ask questions like: Are we going to solve it? Can we even do something? Is this really so bad?

Yet, we barely speak about the uncomfortable questions. The hard facts. The underrated building blocks of the issue that would provide a little clarity in this chaos.

At university, I specialized in sustainability. Since then, I’ve read 100+ articles on the topic. I’m binge-reading books and taking courses. I’m working in a startup that’s dedicated to climate action.

My aim with this article is to provide an overview of what’s happening, the scope of the problem, and a little hope. Because we’re not doomed yet.

#1. We have more carbon in the atmosphere than it has ever been since humans have existed

The first Homo Sapiens appeared around 315,000 years ago.

Greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere hasn’t been as high as today (420 parts per million) in the last 4 million years. Back…

