5 Things to Expect in 2030

Scientists say we may be headed for a 1.5˚C increase in average temperatures by 2030. What does that mean?

Priya Aggarwal
Climate Conscious
Published in
5 min readSep 30, 2020



The earth is not new to global warming. Last time it happened, about 11,000 years ago, the Ice Age ended and humans were able to start farming and grow as a civilization. Since then, the global temperatures have gone up and down within a range of about 0.5˚C.

Fast forward to 1750, the Industrial Revolution happened. The global temperature change then was a warming of about 0.1˚C. But humans, with newly invented coal-powered engines and machinery, were soon going to change Earth's natural rhythm.

At the time of Industrial Revolution, the average global temperature was up by about 0.1˚C. With newly found powers of coal, however, humans were soon going to change that.

Visualization by u/bgregory98



Priya Aggarwal
Climate Conscious

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