Amy Coney Barrett’s Climate Denialism

“I’m not a scientist” is not an excuse for a Supreme Court Justice.

Jesse Harris
Climate Conscious


Sources Agustín Lautaro on Unsplash and Wikimedia Commons

When the topic of climate change comes up, you often hear conservatives use a bizarre defence: “I’m not an expert” or “I’m not a scientist.” This rhetorical move may seem innocent, but it is revealing of a specific form of climate denialism.

Yesterday, this came up in the confirmation hearing of Amy Coney Barrett, who is a nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States.

Sen. Kennedy: Do you have some opinions on climate change that you’ve thought about?

Barrett: I’m certainly not a scientist.

Sen. Kennedy: I’m not saying you are.

Barrett: I have read things about climate change. I would not say I have firm views on it.

What a weird exchange. Let’s change it up a touch to highlight the absurdity.

Sen. Kennedy: Do you have some opinions on the giant meteor heading towards earth that you’ve thought about?



Jesse Harris
Climate Conscious

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