Boxed Water isn’t Better

It’s still no worse than bottled water, probably.

Jimmy Candou
Climate Conscious


Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Ah, bottled water. The great environmental boogeyman, an emblem of human folly and waste, a monument to our greed and a testament to our indifference for the planet we live on and the organisms around us. Corporate interests draw up the smashed, liquefied, and well-aged petroleum remains of Carboniferous life and process it with chemical input, heat, and pressure, releasing tons of carbon in the process and eventually shaping it into a bottle.

It is then filled with water from public utilities we pay for and sold back to us, now filled with possibly thousands of plastic particles. The ubiquitous giver of life that we need so badly to survive, the precious liquid we flush down our toilets and waste on our lawns, has been disrespected yet again in what essentially amounts to a scam designed by capitalist vultures to wring every penny out of us for the basic necessities we need to survive.

To add insult to injury the bottle is used only once, perhaps twice if we refill it at the water fountain or if we need to pee on the road. That is a heck of a lot of resources and energy to use on a product most of us use only once.

A Solution?

So thank goodness the magnanimous folks at Boxed Water have a solution. Rather than…



Jimmy Candou
Climate Conscious

A writer living in the PNW who just wants to tend to his garden.