Climate Doomism Is the New Climate Denial

It’s a slippery slope to losing hope

Sean Youra
Climate Conscious


Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

In 2018, I thought humanity was doomed.

Doomed as in we would eventually succumb to being wiped out by the forces of climate change and there was nothing we could do to stop the trajectory we were on.

In other words, I had become a climate doomer.

Fast forward to this year, and I have just graduated with my MS in Environmental Sciences and Policy and am devoting the rest of my life to taking on the climate crisis.

So how in the world did I go from believing that we were all doomed to now believing that it’s not too late to make a difference?

My journey into the depths of despair

For most of my life, I didn’t worry much or know much about climate change. I suspect this is the case for most Millennials, and perhaps most people in general.

The schools I went to from elementary through high school barely covered the topic. During my undergraduate and…



Sean Youra
Climate Conscious

Helping local governments decarbonize | Founder and former Editor-in-Chief of Climate Conscious