Conversion Infrastructure — The Only Viable Solution to Climate Change

How to make life better for everyone and solve climate change

Anthony Signorelli
Climate Conscious


Photo by Nicholas Doherty on Unsplash

The solution to climate change is simple and easy to understand — we must stop burning stuff. The complex difficulty is how to do that on a mass, systemic scale that includes everyone. While many activists promote their favorite solutions — organic farming and simple living, sending more people to colonize the moon, or even just stop producing oil — none of these are practical solutions because they will be resisted by huge numbers of people. Climate change will not be solved by forcing people into lifestyles or locations they do not want. Just look at the enormous resistance to simple mask-wearing and vaccines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and you can see what I mean. Radical challenges to lifestyle, investments, and location of residence to solve climate change will be resisted until people see a new direction as better for them and their lives.

Get Consumers on Board

We need a solution that can be accepted by people as an improvement in their lives. Technology becomes widely adopted only when nearly everyone views it as an improvement, at least over time. The iPod’s “a thousand songs in your pocket” provided people with things they wanted, and…

