Do We Need Oil Companies to Combat Climate Change?

The complex role of oil companies in the energy transition

C Joy
Climate Conscious


Silhouette of a power plant with cooling towers and trails of clouds.
Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

I started thinking about this question after seeing an Instagram post by 350 dot org commenting on an Axios article headlined “Shell CEO: The world needs our help on climate change.”

Screenshot of 350 dot org’s Instagram account.

My gut instinct was to reshare the post, but I couldn’t figure out whether or not I agreed, or how I wanted to recaption it. Then I realized it didn’t matter. Whether we like it or not oil companies are already participating in the energy transition. So perhaps rather than asking ourselves whether we need their help we should consider: What are the pros and cons big oil’s participation in combating climate change and how can their influence be managed to avoid the pitfalls free market development?

“No the world doesn’t” is over simplified.

Comments by 350 dot org’s followers were largely similar to the original posts sentiment saying “No thank you,” “Only if they stop drilling for oil,” and “Only if they give back profits made from ruining the environment.” These reactionary statements are natural responses to a triggering meme but they…



C Joy
Climate Conscious

scientist. writer. I am passionate about the intersection of society, energy, and the environment.