Doomsday Prophecies Are Dooming Our Climate

Keegan Sentner
Climate Conscious
Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2021


In 1988, NASA Atmospheric scientist James Hansen testified before Congress on behalf of his research team to present their models that justified the existence of “global warming.” Hansen established that the greenhouse gas effect was warming the earth, causing extreme weather events, and would continue to warm the planet for the foreseeable future. The following year, the United Nations established the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change to establish comprehensive reviews for elected officials on climate change science. These were monumental events in climate change science, yet here we are, still trying to fix the problem thirty years later.

Prophets and Alarms

The perception around climate change took decades to transform. It was easily one of the most controversial scientific statements ever made and was met with incredible amounts of backlash from communities such as energy, agriculture, and even science itself. Even now, the world is still attempting to process the gravity of the situation. We are only now beginning to understand the implications of what it is that lies in front of us.

By the current numbers, according to the Yale Climate Report, 72% of Americans believe global warming is happening (70% in 2010), 57% of Americans believe that it is caused by human activities (47% in 2010), and…



Keegan Sentner
Climate Conscious

Writer. Journalist. Documentary Filmmaker. I am a storyteller on a mission to use my voice to amplify others.