Easy Ways to Ditch Plastic for Plastic Free July

Moving away from plastic doesn’t require an entire lifestyle change, even small changes can make a massive difference for the environment

Erin Kean
Climate Conscious
3 min readJul 10, 2020


Plastic Free July is a global movement aiming to tackle single-use plastic. Taking the pledge for Plastic Free July is the perfect way to learn how to replace single-use plastics with reusable options and take control of your environmental impact. Not only will this benefit the planet, but using reusable items in the long run will actually save you money — it’s a win-win. Going plastic free doesn’t always mean an entire lifestyle change, even small changes can make a massive difference for the environment.

Why is it Important to Address Plastic Usage?

It’s not enough to recycle the plastics we use. This is because plastics can only be recycled once or twice before they are downcycled into a fabric that is no longer recyclable after one use. All plastics will eventually end up in a landfill and will take up to 1,000 years to decompose. Replacing plastics with aluminum, metal, and glass — all of which can be recycled infinitely — are much better options compared to plastic.

Step One: Take Inventory

The first step in lowering plastic intake is to understand where you are using single-use plastic. The best way to go about this is by tracking all of the single-use plastics you use in a week. Keep a list of these items on your phone or in a journal. This will help open your eyes to where you need to improve. You might be getting takeout multiple times a week or buying pasta packaged in plastic bags. In these scenarios you could ask for no utensils when ordering takeout or shop in the bulk foods section to avoid the packaging. Most single-use plastics are easy to replace with a sustainable alternative.

Step Two: Look for Reusable Options

Whether it’s bringing your own reusable bags to the grocery store or carrying a water bottle instead of buying plastic bottles, there are many reusable options for single-use plastics. Ditching plastic doesn’t mean you need to throw out everything you own and replace with sustainable alternatives. Instead, use up what you have first and then find sustainable replacements when it’s time for something new. Some single-use plastic swaps to get you started are below.

Don’t feel obligated to replace every single-use plastic in your life at the same time. Take actions one at a time to ensure the life change is sustainable for you too!



Erin Kean
Climate Conscious

An advocate for sustainability, lover of baguettes, and a mediocre painter. I live NYC and share tips on sustainable fashion and clean beauty — @erinkean10