Finding Hope in the Climate Discourse

How joining the global warming conversation helped me feel purpose and connect to a community

Jesse Harris
Climate Conscious


Lately, I have started to feel a bit of optimism about climate change.

Has climate science found that global warming is slowing down? No, recent studies show that things look worse. Are emissions levels falling? Not exactly — carbon emissions are returning to pre-pandemic levels. Are the politics getting better? Not really — governments are using COVID as an excuse to be neglectful of the environment.

So why am I hopeful?

A couple of weeks ago I began editing Climate Conscious. Every day I read articles from normal people who are passionate about the environment, and are working toward change. This experience has already changed my perspective about the climate discourse. Before I started editing I knew there were plenty of people who cared about climate change, but it is different to hear from them directly. Seeing folks from across the world who are concerned about the same problem has been inspiring!

My actions, thoughts, and feelings about climate change have been altered by this experience. By experiencing this shift in myself, it also proves that it is possible to create that change in others. Building a conversation…



Jesse Harris
Climate Conscious

Scientist / Writer / Environmentalist ~ I would love to work with you. Learn more about me: