How To Take Climate Action That Makes A Difference

Here are three things you can do (in your own unique way)

Sally Giblin
Climate Conscious
4 min readMar 6, 2022


Photo Unsplash — winding road through the forest

With the latest IPCC report talking of “irreversible” climate impacts and an “atlas of human suffering” — particularly for highly vulnerable countries — no one would blame you for wanting to crawl into the fetal position.

But the thing is — our collective fear, anger, and paralysis won’t turn this climate crisis beast around. We need to nurture a reaction of hope (rather than despair). Because we know what’s wrong. And we also know how to fix it.

And it might surprise you — but more people than you think care about building a better, fairer, greener world. A survey for the Global Commons Alliance found that 74% of people in the world’s wealthiest nations (G20) want the climate crisis and protecting nature prioritized over jobs and profit.

The climate crisis is the issue of our lifetime. And if you’ve ever had a desire to be part of something bigger….this is it.

But perhaps you’re doubting that you — as an individual — can really make a difference?

Thought so. But you absolutely can, with these three actions.

1. Use your voice.

If you’re wondering if one person’s voice can matter, think about Greta Thunberg for a second. She began using her voice, sitting by herself outside the Swedish parliament, in the freezing cold. Cue forward three years and she’s spread the “Greta effect” throughout the world, challenging global leadership to take dramatic action and inspiring millions to use their voices too.

We don’t all need to be Greta, but we can all find our own way to use our voice. In a way that works for us.

Are you a copywriter? Write to companies and the government. And share your templates around! So you can amplify your impact.

Are you an extrovert who’s always seeing friends and family? Talk to those in your life about climate action.

Are you at your best when you’re supporting others? Sign campaign petitions.

Find your unique way to use your voice — that brings together what you’re good at, what needs doing, and what brings you joy. Climate change is grim. But what you choose to do about it doesn’t have to be.

Because — as climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe contends — the most important thing you can do to fight climate change is to talk about it.

Photo Unsplash — Group of people talking

2. Use your vote.

We each need to use our (precious) vote for those who want to take extensive action on climate. And encourage others to do the same.

Systemic change — at a global level — is a critical part of solving the climate change puzzle. And our global leaders have immense power to take (or avoid) drastic action on climate change.

The next opportunity for dramatic global action is the UN climate summit in Egypt in November 2022.

If you’ve already voted for your leader — who will be representing you at the UN summit — demand that your leaders take drastic action.

And if you haven’t yet voted? Write to your electoral candidates about taking dramatic climate action. And make sure to vote!

There are some great resources you can leverage about influencing your MP and talking to your MP about climate change.

Photo Unsplash — Change the politics, not the climate protest sign

3. Use your choices.

It might not feel like it sometimes, but every greener action does (actually) matter.

Do you know why? It’s not because that micro action will change the global carbon footprint. It won’t. It’s a teeny, tiny microcosm in the scheme of things.

But…that decision to re-love something, rather than buy new? That choice to eat a plant-based meal? That decision to use green energy?

It’s a way to make ripples. Your action shows support for bigger, systemic change. Your action is an invitation to others to act too. And your action can be amplified, if you talk about it with those in your life.

One of the best places to start with our choices is to focus on the things you switch once — that keep on giving. Like switching your energy provider or bank.

You also use big moments of change in your life to take action — when you’re already exploring new ways of doing things. For example, if you’re having a baby, look into re-loving nursery items (rather than buying new ones), renting toys (rather than buying new ones), and using cloth nappies (rather than disposable).

Photo Unsplash — Renewable energy

The takeaway.

You absolutely can make a difference in all this. The key is thinking carefully about where to spend your precious time. And using your voice, your vote, and your choices in a way to take meaningful, impactful action.

As the great author, Alice Walker said, “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”’

What action will you take first?

Photo Unsplash — Immersed in nature



Sally Giblin
Climate Conscious

Writes about climate change & raising nature-loving kids. Connect with me at Twitter: @Sally_Giblin & Instagram: @BeTheFuture.Earth