How We Can Turn Fossil Fuel Money Into Climate Solution Money

Let’s explore how we can turn fossil fuel money into climate solution money on an individual, corporate, and political basis.

Greenever Boleaf
Climate Conscious


Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

Here are a few ideas:

  • Individuals can invest in Environmental Social Governance (ESG) funds.
  • Companies can invest in decarbonization and low-carbon alternatives.
  • People can donate to politicians who campaign for a fossil fuel free future.

The point of accepting fossil fuel money into politics is very contentious. In this article, I focus primarily on that point of contention. I want candidates to use fossil fuel money to advance climate solutions.

Where I’m coming from: Njál’s Saga and the Polluters Pay Principle

I recently read a translation of Njál’s Saga, widely esteemed to be one of the best Icelandic sagas from the thirteenth century. Bear with me as I start with a striking connection between Njál’s Saga and climate politics.

The old saga recounts cycles of fighting and reconciliation. In the saga, farmers come to blows. Blows over insulting comments; blows over theft; blows over family feuds. In a predictable…

