If You Only Do A Few Things For The Planet in 2022, Do These

If you also dream of a greener future.

Eszter Brhlik
Climate Conscious
Published in
6 min readApr 9, 2022


Photo by Riccardo from Pexels

What have you done for the planet this year?

Most people don’t even bother answering the question. Hell, some still don’t even believe in climate change.

But as time goes by, we’re causing more and more harm. The livelihood of billions of people is highly endangered.

And while individual action doesn’t have a significant impact on the planet, our collective behavior can change the way politicians and businesses approach climate change.

If enough people cared, we would solve the issue. We can convince our politicians to introduce policies and the businesses to go green. Many of them are already doing so.

Yet change has to begin on the individual level. Here are seven things you could do for the planet this year that will enable you to live a happier and healthier life.

1. Fight Against Food Waste

Many people forget about what they bought and throw away food. Even those who are short on money frequently waste groceries.

More than one-third of the food ends up in the trash every year in the USA alone.

It’s like everybody in…

