Inspiration Isn’t Enough To Turn The Corner On Climate Failure and Fantasies.

Are we ready to have “The Talk” with our families?

Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious


A brave young French woman doing what she can to alert a seemingly sleeping world of the climate emergency (Roland Garros, June, 3/2022) Image credit: la Dernière Génération

Listen to a reading of this article:

In just 2 days this post on LinkedIn had nearly 70,000 views. People seem inspired by this brave young woman, Alizée.

So what? Didn’t Greta inspire us too? And yet, look at where we are? Well on the path towards a horrific climate collapse.

Will this time be any different?

Are We Ready To Reject Failure?

Are we ready to reject the failed approaches of the past that serve only the corporate elite and billionaires?

Are we ready to reject the fairytale that we can somehow maintain the same wasteful and destructive lifestyles as long as we power it with renewables? Let’s be perfectly clear — this is a fantasy that could take decades or longer, (time that we don’t have), and it isn’t without its own environmentally devastating consequences. The raw materials needed…



Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.