Making Climate Change Local

As our federal government drops the ball, the states take the lead.

Climate Conscious


Photo by Vanessa on Unsplash

“Look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping.” — Mr. Rogers

This is a very easy notion to understand as children, but it becomes more difficult as we get older. Especially in an age when we often can’t agree, at least politically, on what the problem is or what even constitutes a problem. Having my eyes opened to the true scope and scale of climate change has been a long, slow process. I always believed the science. Hearing about the hole in the ozone and prepping for acid rain events as a kid, helped ensure that I believe the science behind the damage we can cause. And still, it took years and lots of books read and documentaries watched to truly understand what was going on and the speed with which the problem is accelerating. I still learn every day — I’m nowhere near an expert.

And I know the problem is climate change.

But I also know that once our eyes are opened to the scope and scale of climate change it can be hard to have hope. We do what we can, we march along with our advocacy, we recycle, we try to avoid single-use plastics and buy energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances. But we do all that with the knowledge that the…



Climate Conscious

A husband and wife team exploring the topics we are passionate about, both individually and together.