Making New Year’s Resolutions That Benefit the Planet

Actions you can stick to that make a difference.

Sandra B
Climate Conscious


Photo of pine wreath around a greeting card that says New Year
Photo by Carson Arias on Unsplash

It’s time to think about those dreaded New Year’s resolutions. Every year, we make them and most years we give up before the end of January. This year, I challenge you to take action for the planet. Your actions will make a difference.

Every time you do something it matters, even if it feels minuscule. For example, by starting the conversation around straws it elevated the conversation around single-use items and plastic waste. The issue made many restaurants, manufacturers, and individuals think differently. It also meant more eco-friendly options were made as an alternative.

When you make eco-friendly choices others take note. If you consciously buy more items with less packaging, your friends and family notice and many do the same. Likewise, manufacturers take note of the increase in sales of those items and produce more eco-friendly items. Meanwhile, manufacturers of the other items take note as well, after all, their sales begin to suffer. They learn they will either have to adapt to consumer will or go out of business.

Of course, small changes won’t get us where we need to be in the fight against climate change on their own.



Sandra B
Climate Conscious

Advocate for social justice helping others make a difference. Visit my website, read the blog, and sign up for the newsletter: