Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans” Offers Dangerous Solutions to the Climate Crisis

Population control has deep roots in the vile history of environmental racism.

Jesse Harris
Climate Conscious


Michael Moore and Jeff Gibbs released Planet of the Humans (POTH) on YouTube last week, and many environmentalists are unhappy about it. The documentary, released on the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, is aimed as a critique of the environmental movement from the perspective of someone who believes in climate change. It uses flawed logic to suggest that current sources of renewable energy are deficient, and speculates on a perceived conspiracy between environmentalists and big business.

Many writers have offered blistering take-downs of the film — so many in fact, that Films for Action has an index. Solar Nerd provided a fact check of the film, focusing on the many flaws with the science. Ketan Joshi gave an analysis of the science, but with a focus on how the commentary was out of date, and disconnected from current science. Emily Atkins wrote two seething commentaries on the film, the first attacking the premise of a climate documentary by a film maker like Michael Moore, and the second explaining how the documentary is lazy and poorly constructed. I highly recommend all of these articles.



Jesse Harris
Climate Conscious

Scientist / Writer / Environmentalist ~ I would love to work with you. Learn more about me: https://jesse-harris.ca/