Nature Is Bringing the Heat and We’re Acting Like a Deer in the Headlights

Why is it so hard to imagine something better than capitalism?

Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious


Canada’s recent heat records, wildfires, and over 450 deaths are the tip of a quickly melting iceberg. And only a week earlier someone leaked an IPCC draft report which warns of just how close we are to a cascading failure of our precious ecosystems. So what’s the response from our so-called ruling elite? A performance…best described as spectacle, sympathy, and silence.

First, the corporate-controlled media pounces on the opportunity to attract eyeballs and show pictures of heat-exhausted people, volunteers handing out water, and towns devastated by wildfires. Next, corrupt politicians (puppets of the .0001%) offer sympathetic looks, promises to help those in need, and platitudes about how Canada is working hard to address climate change. And finally, in the last act of this cynical performance, we get deafening silence as to why we can’t seem to engage with this emergency in any meaningful way?

Why Are We So Stuck?

First, let’s be clear — it’s not you and I who are stuck. We’re not driving the failed policy. That psychopathic effort is being driven by the planet’s new de facto political leaders; the corporate elite and



Brad Zarnett
Climate Conscious

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.