Purchasing Power: 7 Tips for Sustainable Shopping

A guide for mindful spending.

Angelina Elido
Climate Conscious


A women sells a colorful spread of fresh fruit. Image Source: Zan via Unsplash
A women sells a colorful spread of fresh fruit. Image Source: Zan via Unsplash

This article will serve as a tool to help you to harness your purchasing power in the most positive way and be a rockstar at sustainable shopping.

Raised in a very frugal household, I’ve created a habit of weighing out the pros and cons of every decision I make, especially the financial ones.

Below you will find a list of the seven refined tips that I use, along with questions I ask myself to be the best sustainable shopper that I can be.

But first, what is it?


  • What is Sustainable Shopping?
  • Life Before and After You: The Importance of Sustainable Shopping
  • How to be The Best Sustainable Shopper
  • Call to Action


It is a means in which you consume goods and services that considers the most efficient and beneficial options for all the species and systems on the planet.

A sustainable consumer knows that Earth is one giant ecosystem of ecosystems that all rely and depend on each other.



Angelina Elido
Climate Conscious

I’m a nut for nature. ⚘ empowering you to live mindfully + travel intentionally ❅ inspiring a love for people & the planet ☽ https://msha.ke/angelinaelido