The 10 Biggest Problems With Electric Cars

A deep dive into the world’s most overhyped climate change mitigation technology.

Schalk Cloete
Climate Conscious


Image from Pixabay

The world has a strange infatuation with cars. That is part of the reason why the electric car has become the poster child for the fight against climate change, despite its rather limited potential to avoid CO2 emissions.

Behind the rapid growth in battery electric vehicle (BEV) sales lie a wide range of supporting policies. And behind these policies are governments that want to tap every last bit of marketing value from this highly visible climate action poster child. This is why pure BEV companies are now worth as much as the entire legacy auto industry, even though these companies (mainly Tesla) sell only about 1% of global light-duty vehicles.

The growth in global electric vehicle sales. Image source.

This article will cover ten fundamental problems with BEVs as a leading climate change mitigation option. The aim is not to discredit electric cars as a sustainable technology (they can certainly avoid CO2 and reduce fossil fuel dependence). Instead, this article aims to illustrate the huge disconnect between the ongoing BEV investment boom and the questionable societal benefit…



Schalk Cloete
Climate Conscious

A research scientist studying different pathways for decoupling economic development from environmental destruction.